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Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 5, 2015

This Is What A "Cheeky Nandos" Means In Australia

“You’re havin’ a sunday sesh gettin’ fuckin’ maggot with the boys….”

Earlier this month, Americans on Tumblr were trying to figure out what, exactly, was meant by the term "cheeky Nandos".

Australians, however, were largely excluded from this debate. Perhaps because we *have* Nandos in Oz, or maybe just because the UK and USA were ignoring us. Regardless, Australians were puzzled.

Some tried their best to explain, but it really wasn't getting through to the people.

Luckily, Tumblr user Prostrider has translated the ever popular term into Australian English, making it much easier to understand.

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