“I love him, and I always will. Because he’s my son.”
5 years ago, Mimi and Joe Lemay brought their new baby Mia home from the hospital. By age 2, Mia was insisting on being referred to as a boy. After initially hoping that their child's insistence would go away, they are now happily raising him as Jacob.
"Transgender children as young as 5-years-old respond to psychological gender-association tests just as consistently as children who do not identify as trans," according to a study released by researchers at the University of Washington.
NBC Nightly News / Via youtube.com
Mimi and Joe first saw their child rejecting feminine behaviors when refusing to wear typical girl clothing, instead opting to wear this doggy sweater for months at a time.
The toddler also played with trains, boy bikes, and other toys traditionally prescribed for boys. The parents thought, "it seems like we have a tom-boy on our hands."
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The parents told NBC Nightly News, "her need to play more boy roles, her need to be seen and spoken to as a boy at home became more persistent and very consistent."
Mimi said, "those are the hallmarks of a possibly transgender child: consistence, persistence, and insistence." Many studies replicate that observation, including the first report from a study, Gender Cognition in Transgender Children, in Psychological Science. “The data reported in this paper should serve as further evidence that transgender children do indeed exist and that this identity is a deeply held one.”
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At first, Mimi was "confused and concerned, and wished this obsession would go away." But a near tragic car accident shook her to the core, and she decided that it was time to let her child live as Jacob.
NBC Nightly News / Via Facebook: nbcnightlynews
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